Category |
Albums |
Files |
5 |
108 |

 | SF BooksBill Williams' collection of Science Fiction paperbacks. Most of these (around 2,400 of them) were sold to a bookseller in May 2021. |
6 |
104 |

| GeneralFor photos that don't fit other categories |
3 |
6 |

| EventsMeetings and Events etc. |
1 |
10 |

| ATLASPhotos and documents relating too the Ferranti/ICL/ICT Atlas Computer
1 |
43 |

4 |
87 |

| EquipmentPhotos of Equipment I own or have had use of. |
4 |
40 |

| VisitsPhotos of visits to places of interest |
2 |
51 |

| User galleriesThis category contains albums that belong to Coppermine users. |
5 |
80 |
10 |
82 |

611 files in 42 albums and 10 categories with 29 comments viewed 43,329 times |